
Anser Charter School Awarded $800,000 for Expansion


Garden City, ID – (April 14, 2020) 

Anser Charter School was one of two public charter schools chosen to receive part of $1.6 million in grant funding from the Federal Charter School Program. A panel of third-party reviewers evaluated applications and awarded a grant of $800,000 to expand Anser’s current facility and grow the student body over the next four years.

Idaho’s Communities of Excellence CSP grant is a competitive public charter school grant program funded under the Congressional Every Students Succeeds Act, which reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (ESEA). The Communities of Excellence consortium consists of Bluum, the Idaho Public Charter School Commission, the Idaho State Board of Education, the J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation, and Building Hope.

The grant awards are aimed at increasing the number of high-quality public charter school options for families throughout Idaho. Idaho’s charter schools have consistently delivered strong academic outcomes for students

Anser Charter School, in Garden City, is one of Idaho’s first charter schools, and has been serving students with their expeditionary learning model for 20-years. Building upon two decades of experience, funding from the CSP grant program will allow Anser to provide a no-cost public education to more students at all grade levels at their current location. Expansion will begin at the K-5 level and grow the 6th to 8th population as students advance. Anser’s student population will grow from 373 to 675 over four years. This growth will support Anser’s mission to bring their unique learning model to a larger, more varied community of families.


About Charter Schools

A public charter school is nonsectarian in its programs, admissions policies, employment practices, and all other operations, and is not affiliated with a sectarian school or religious institution. Public charter schools are open to all students who apply and cannot charge tuition. A charter school receiving CSP funds must use a lottery if more students apply for admission to the charter school than can be admitted. Idaho has 60 public charter schools and collectively they serve over 25,000 public school students.

About the Federal CSP Grant

Idaho received $22 million in funding over five years. At least 90 percent of these dollars will flow to public charter school subgrantees for school start-up, school replication and school expansion. At least seven percent must be utilized for state-level technical assistance activities and program evaluation/research. No more than three percent for Bluum administration.